
All You need to know about Coronavirus

How is coronavirus transmitted? What to do if you experience symptoms? How do you know you're infected? How do you know that you have already had the disease? How do you improve immunity? All information in one place.


What You should know about Coronavirus?

For more information, please also visit the website of the National Institute of Public Health

What should I do if I experience symptoms of the disease?

Certainly, not everyone with a temperature and respiratory problems suffers from COVID-19 infection. Unfortunately, even asymptomatic individuals can be positive and infectious for other individuals. If you are experiencing the underlying symptoms such as cough, temperature or shortness of breath, it is a good idea to consult your medical issues with your GP for a SARS-CoV2 test. If you are unclear, call our GP's office and we will be happy to help you. Tel. +420 772 000 112.

How do I know I'm infected?

The main symptoms of this disease include fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue and headache. What is breathlessness and why is it so important in this infection? Shortness of breath is characterized by subjectively perceived breathing problems. The patient has a feeling of heaviness on the chest or lack of air, difficulty breathing. The virus triggers an exaggerated immune response that results in lung fibrotization called scarring. This reduces the capacity of the lungs and worsens breathing. Doctors have also met individuals who are asymptomatic, where the course of the disease is very mild or none. Such a patient is infectious and dangerous to other healthy individuals. Therefore, it is important to take quarantine measures, especially for the elderly, pregnant women and children.

Are there any tests that can test the level of antibodies in my blood?

Coronavirus testing is divided into two groups. With one test we look for whether you have a virus in your body or not, using real time PCR testing. It is done by taking a sample of your secretion from the nose or throat. If the test is negative, you still do not know whether to worry about the infection or if you have not had it in the past. The antibody test is the only way to determine if you have IgG or IgA antibodies that are associated with an immune response to COVID-19 infection. Antibodies are obtained by blood sampling, not by smear from mucous membranes this time. If antibodies are found in your blood, it is likely that you do not have to worry about the infection anymore and you are supposed to be “immune”. Surely we can say that the further course of even mutated RNA virus will be milder or even none. You don't have to worry about an exaggerated immune response. Even if you are negative and have antibodies, please follow and respect government regulations or quarantine, continue to wear masks and protective equipment.

Are there any tests that can test the level of antibodies in my blood?

YES! If you want to test weather you have antibodies in your blood, we can arrange blood samples for you.

How do I know if I've had a disease or have antibodies?

Coronavirus testing is divided into two groups. With one test we look for whether you have a virus in your body or not, using real time PCR testing. It is done by taking a sample of your secretion from the nose or throat. If the test is negative, you still do not know whether to worry about the infection or if you have not had it in the past. The antibody test is the only way to determine if you have IgG or IgA antibodies that are associated with an immune response to COVID-19 infection. Antibodies are obtained by blood sampling, not by smear from mucous membranes this time. If antibodies are found in your blood, it is likely that you do not have to worry about the infection anymore and you are supposed to be “immune”. Surely we can say that the further course of even mutated RNA virus will be milder or even none. You don't have to worry about an exaggerated immune response. Even if you are negative and have antibodies, please follow and respect government regulations or quarantine, continue to wear masks and protective equipment.

How is coronavirus transmitted?

Coronavirus is transmitted from person to person after unprotected contact in close proximity to an infectious individual. Depending on the dose of infectious material, if the second patient bursts with a few thousand virus particles, our immunity can defend itself, but if there is a drop of sneeze or other 1e-9 particle transfer medium, we are likely to be positive. The dose can be controlled by protective equipment and distance from the other patient. It is therefore a so-called droplet infection that is transmitted through the air and penetrates not only through the mucous membranes but also through the cornea of ​​the eye, so it is good to protect your eyes. Most often it affects the mucous membranes of the upper and lower airways. The incubation period is 5 days to 14 days.

What population groups are most at risk?

The groups at risk include seniors, chronically ill persons or immunocompromised persons.

It is important to proceed as in classical respiratory illness as in the flu period:

  • Avoid those who are even colds at work and on the street
  • Comply with basic hygiene rules
  • Use disinfectants every time someone else can touch anything in front of you
  • Use cotton drapes, disposable drapes and other textile protective equipment to cover the face
  • Observe the quarantine and government office regulations

What is the treatment of this disease?

No specific antiviral therapy is recommended for COVID-19 infection. People infected with coronavirus should initiate supportive therapy to alleviate the symptoms of the infection. Treatment is always individual and based on the patient's specific needs. Commonly available medications are used for supportive therapy, and many of the symptoms of COVID-19 can be treated successfully. The World Health Organization also confirms the high effectiveness of the treatment.

What is the procedure if the patient is positive?

  • TEST for SARS-CoV2 in laboratory
  • The laboratory reports the patient's positivity to hyg. station
  • You are waiting for the telephone of the hyg.station, which will give you clear instructions on the quarantine measure
  • Staying in your quarantine (home isolation)
  • Home insulation = separate rooms, meals, toilet, isolation from other family members
  • Whether the family members must be tested will consider the hyg station
  • Contact your GP that you are positive and how to start treating your symptoms
  • Quarantine to remain until the symptoms disappear completely
  • If symptoms worsen, continue to consult a GP
  • Your GP or Hygiene Station will end the quarantine as described below.

Testing of antibodies against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

  • Have I experienced the disease?
  • Do I have antibodies / Am I resistant to it?
  • Can I get back to my workplace with no worries?
  • Is there risk of infecting my customers or colleagues?

Testing of SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels in your body gives you answers for once and all.

  • Currently the most accurate method of antibody testing
  • Double control tests in a certified laboratory
  • German test system Euroimmun
  • A blood sample must be obtained by our medical nurse
  • Interpretation by an experienced immunologist till 48 hours

What are antibodies and why do we investigate them?

Antibodies always form in the body as a defense mechanism against any kind of viral infection. They are so called specific antibodies, which are custom made for every other Antigen. Examination of antibodies finds out whether you have experienced the virus and therefore created self defense immunity. Experiencing the virus in the past could have taken place with no symptoms or very mild coarse. Presence of antibodies gives you a chance to return to your everyday life / work routine with no worries about getting infected and opposite.

For which antibodies are we looking for?

Antibodies body consists of several types, we are primarily interested in IgM (ongoing infection), IgG (development of long-term immunity) and IgA (mucosal antibodies, very sesnsitive to the virus - large test improvement). A high level of IgM without IgG indicates that your body is still fighting the virus. On the other hand, a high level of IgG without IgM means that your body has already been infected with the virus and your immunity is fully developed. IgA antibodies significantly improve the testing, when we see rapid increase at the beginning of disease.

How does the testing looks like?

For the most accurate results we use very sensitive laboratory ELISA methods. A trained medical nurse is taking the blood sample. Blood sampling can be done at your home or in your office. The results are available in 48 hours. Due to the high level error rates and low accuracy, we prefer to avoid disposable rapid tests. SARS-CoV-2 is not transmitted by blood, we only test antibodies from the blood. The disease itself is transmitted by mucous secretion.

I have the antibodies, but can I get the disease or get repeatedly infected?

Unfortunately, a virus is a particle which undergoes mutation. Changing the genetic information may cause the virus not to be recognized by the antibodies and the immunity is not ready for response. However, if you have antibodies, the chances of you getting sick again are almost zero in the upcoming period of several months.

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